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LGBT Advance Training and Consultancy logo

We offer specialist LGBTQ+ inclusion training to all sectors across the UK

LGBT Advance – Training and Consultancy is our fundraising project and we’ve been training public, private and voluntary sector organisations across the North East since 2018. Our team of qualified trainers brings a wealth of professional, academic, and lived experience to every session.

Every pound raised through LGBT Advance goes directly back into Hart Gables, providing essential support to individuals living with poor mental health, those who are seeking asylum, and those who are living with physical and hidden disabilities. Many of our service users face the harsh realities of recurring hate crimes, discrimination, poverty, and social isolation.

Terms & conditions

  • There will be an additional charge if there is a need for travel and/or accommodation.
  • Lunch and room hire is not included (if you require us to source a room and refreshments you will be charged an additional cost).
  • Video or other tape recordings of the training are not permitted without the consent from Hart Gables. Reproduction of any training material without the consent is not permitted. Copyright laws apply.

Courses available

A journey through transition – Exploring gender identity

This course explores the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation, up-to-date trans+ and non-binary terminology, focusing on how your organisation can become more inclusive and accessible to trans and non-binary communities.

Topics covered
  • Terminology, building confidence and knowledge around common terminology used in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Knowing the difference between sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and biological sex.
  • Looking at the different identities under the non-binary umbrella.
  • Pronouns and why they’re important.
  • A Journey Through Transition activity.
  • Looking at the barriers of transitioning and the impact they have.
  • The positives of transitioning.
  • What can you do to make your workspace Trans inclusive?
  • Resources, Q&A.

LGBT awareness – Inclusion in the workplace

This course explores terminology used within LGBTQ+ culture and focuses on contemporary issues those communities are currently facing. The training goes on to examine how mainstream services can better equip themselves to help break down those barriers and foster a more inclusive working environment.

Topics covered
  • Terminology, building confidence and knowledge around common terminology used in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Understanding the meanings, and differences, of Gender identity and Sexual orientation.
  • Pronouns and why they’re important.
  • Understanding issues faced by our local LGBTQ+ community in today’s society and the impact it has.
  • What can you do to make your workspace more inclusive to LGBTQ+ communities?
  • Resources, Q&A.

Creating an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ Youth

This course is designed to provide participants with a foundational understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, terminology, and inclusive practices, enabling them to foster a more supportive and affirming environment for LGBTQ+ youth.

Topics covered
  • Updated legislation.
  • Terminology, building confidence and knowledge around common terminology used in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Knowing the difference between sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and biological sex.
  • A Journey Through Transition for young people.
  • Understanding current issues faced by LGBTQ+ youth and how it affects them.
  • Myth busting.
  • What can you do to make your environment more inclusive to LGBTQ+ youth?
  • Resources, Q&A.

Changing the narrative – An effective response to gender critical thinking

This training delves into an in-depth exploration of gender critical rhetoric, focusing on strategies to effectively respond to gender critical communications. By examining the foundations of gender critical thinking and its implications, we aim to tackle and challenge this rhetoric while considering the potential ripple effect on broader societal conversations.

Custom courses

Our custom LGBTQ+ inclusion course offer ensures that participants receive content and insights that are directly relevant to your organisation’s unique context. Through education, empathy, and active engagement, this training cultivates a culture of inclusivity, where all employees can thrive authentically and contribute to a diverse and supportive workplace environment. Previous requests have included: Hate crime, domestic abuse and support in health care.

£450 for a 2 hour session, contact us for more options.

Contact us to book a session

Two photos of Hart Gables team members smiling.